A body composition analysis (BCA) is a comprehensive report outlining specific statistics on your overall health. Body composition analysis is a great way to get raw data on your health, so you can track your fitness journey and muscle gains. With a body composition scan, you can see how your diet, lifestyle, and exercise program can improve your overall body composition. The new year is a great opportunity to use your body composition analysis to achieve new health and well-being goals.
How Can A Body Composition Analysis Help You Start Off Your Wellness Journey?
New Year’s resolutions are easy to make, but not so easy to achieve. Turning resolutions into solutions takes time to prepare and plan. There is no magic button to keep a resolution. The first step to success is having a structured wellness plan. A body composition analysis can help you create an individualized health plan with SMART goals. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-framed so that you can accomplish them more easily.
In What Ways Can A Body Composition Analysis Help You Monitor Your Fitness Journey?
A fitness journey can be frustrating if you weigh yourself every week and the number does not drop. While Body Mass Index (BMI) is still widely used today, there is now a general consensus that the results and applications of BMI may be an oversimplification of what should be a more complex and individualized picture of a person’s health and well-being. Outdated formulas without sufficient scientific basis will not give you a complete picture of your body and health.
One of the best features of a body composition analysis is that it does more than monitor your weight. A BCA is a detailed and scientific understanding of your body that you will not get from weighing yourself alone. An InBody scan can measure the body’s composition with the highest accuracy and provide us with the crucial following information:
- Your blood pressure
- Your weight
- Your strength
- Your cardiovascular health
- Your flexibility
- Your body fat percentage
- How healthy are your cells are
- Your body fat percentage
- How many calories your body burns at rest
- Whether you’re losing or gaining fat and muscle mass
- If you are dehydrated or drinking enough water
Anyone can benefit from a body composition analysis. For people living with a chronic illness that should be monitored, a BCA report can help you too. An InBody 570 system can monitor data such as kidney function and muscle mass, statistics of patients undergoing dialysis treatment, and recognize patients with severe cirrhosis and ascites.
Did You Know That A Body Composition Analysis Can Help You Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions?
Sticking to your new year’s resolution is not always easy. Almost everyone faces challenges on their health journey. People are busy with family life, work, school, medical issues, or peer pressure that keeps them in bad habits. As part of an effective health program, it is important to identify potential challenges and develop strategies to address them. Keeping a fitness journal to record your activities and body composition achievements can increase your motivation and sense of responsibility.
At the Test MeD Clinic in Houston, Texas, we are passionate about improving the lives of our patients through efficient and safe means. If you want to learn more about yourself so you can receive personalized treatment from your personal trainer or nutritionist, or use this information to manage chronic disease or track your recovery, the InBody Scan for the InBody 570 is just for you. Call us at 832-810-4615 to speak to one of our team members.